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Measure RPA success with UiPath Insights


Manish Malpani

November 30, 2020

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Peter Drucker

UiPath’s Insights, a powerful embedded analytics tool that measures the real impact of RPA within your organization is also about measuring, reporting, aligning, and therefore improving RPA operations with strategic business outcomes.

Over the past few years, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has witnessed nearly unprecedented growth and evolved into a strategic focus for most companies. One of the main expectations that UiPath customers have mentioned is the need to quantitatively measure and validate the business impact of RPA. The expectation is met with UiPath’s Insights that comes with a dashboard to measure, quantify, and visualize the ways RPA is driving business and impacting the ROI.  

Insights is a powerful tool that enables customers to take the next step in their automation journey by 

  • Measuring RPA Deployment
  • Optimizing RPA Processes
  • Scaling RPA Implementation

Business benefits of Insights

UiPath Insights has two types of metrics to measure operational and business-related KPIs. While on the operational front it tracks errors, robot utilization, and success rates, on business-related front it tracks cost and process outcomes.  

Other benefits:

  • Provides the critical capability needed to measure operational performance and the business impact
  • Empower stakeholders across the organization with knowledge
  • Centralize end-to-end tracking and measurement of KPIs
  • Gain situational awareness with smart alerts
  • Make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help you interpret insights and drive future development

The UiPath Insights tool is a crucial component to measure the business and operational successes of RPA. By easily tracing and visualizing the Return of Investment through analytical dashboards, the Insights tool serves to keep developers, analysts, and leadership on the same page throughout the automation journey.

Want to measure the success rate of your RPA implementation using UiPath Insights, get in touch with our RPA experts today.

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