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Sometimes customers don't need a full Enchilada!

Fail Faster

Episode 267


28 minutes

Shivani Aneja, Sr Director Exp Design & Content Strategy at EPAM, a global digital transformation services provider – leading the industry in digital and physical product development and digital platform engineering services.

Podcast Description Shivani Aneja, Sr Director Exp Design & Content Strategy at EPAM, a global digital transformation services provider – leading the industry in digital and physical product development and digital platform engineering services. Shivani shares how she quickly understood what was not working for her as an Architect and changed course to get into editorial design leading into digital content design. Today she leads two business practices and a team of 50 plus, managing a huge growth spurt of 250% from the last two years. Shivani is looking forward to the new year as she plans to lead with more authenticity and higher collaboration.

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