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Go Green at InfoBeans


Siddharth Sethi

March 04, 2009

The team at the Indore office started the go green campaign. India and in particular Indore needs millions of trees to even dream of reaching the standard of 25% forest cover mandated by the WHO. What’s more, fast industrialization has resulted in extremely high pollution levels. Indore is struggling with a drought of extreme proportions.

Indiscriminate use of land for urban development in Indore has resulted in the “slaughtering” of hundreds of thousands of trees. In one day in Indore, 2 years ago, 20 very old (some possibly 40-50 years in the making) and large trees were cut to allow the widening of a road at Palasia Square, but till date, that widening has not happened.

InfoBeans and its team is doing its part by creating various Go Green campaigns inside InfoBeans. We have made very conscious efforts to start with the small things – electricity and water conservation at the most basic levels, to start off with.

This Go Green effort has resulted in multiple benefits to not just the environment. InfoBeans has saved on electricity costs, water costs and our team members have derived immense satisfaction from implementing these projects.

Work starts at home and this Go Green drive starts at the InfoBeans office building. The team planted 8 trees and vowed to take care of the trees through constant watering and protection of the trees. Here are some pictures of the event.

We are doing whatever we can to make sure we preserve and better the environment that has given so much to us – not to mention life itself.

InfoBeans plants trees at its office building premises


InfoBeans plants trees at its office building premises


InfoBeans Go Green Campaign

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